Angelique's Isle
Feature Film | Thriller
Inspired by a true story, ANGELIQUE'S ISLE is a thrilling tale of perseverance and survival set during the great copper rush of 1845. When newlyweds Angelique, a young Ojibway and Charlie, her voyageur husband, are left stranded by prospectors on Lake Superior's Isle Royale during a brutal winter, Angelique must find the inner strength to overcome the threats of a treacherous wilderness, starvation and her increasingly possessed husband.
Michelle Derossier
Michelle Derossier & Marie Helene Cousineau
Awards & Screenings
San Diego International Film Festival - Won, Festival Award and Kumeyaay Eagle Award
American Indian Film Festival - Won, American Indian Movie Award, Best Film (Marie-Hélène Cousineau and Michelle Derosier), Best Actress Julia Jones, Best Supporting Actress Tantoo Cardinal